PT - EN - ES
    • 08, Outubro - 2021
    • 15:00
    • Título
    • ARCHITECTURE OF MULTIMODAL INFORMATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Investigations into applicability and propositions of architectural models
    • Aluno
    • George Hideyuki Kuroki Júnior
    • Orientador
    • Dr. Claudio Gottschalg Duque
    • RESUMO

      Aluno (a):  George Hideyuki Kuroki Júnior

      Título: “ARCHITECTURE OF MULTIMODAL INFORMATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Investigations into applicability and propositions of architectural models”

      Data: 08/10/2021

      Horário: 15H00

      Composição da Banca:

      Dr. Claudio Gottschalg Duque (Presidente)

      Dr. Richard Marciano (iSchool UMD)

      Dr. Anderson da Silva Soares (UFG)

      Dr. Márcio de Carvalho Victorino

      Dr. André Porto Ancona Lopez (suplente)

      Vídeo Conferência:

      Resumo:  The construction of meanings passes, implicitly, by multimodal constructions. The objective existence of things is multimodal. It is not conceivable the idea that an object is expressed by means of only one Mode - several Modes are required, several syntactic layers (stimuli) are necessary to obtain certain semantics (meaning). The existence of these various Modes is the extreme opposite to the incessant search for relevance by the human mind: it always adapts to the world it’s inserted through the selection of stimuli that are relevant to signification. The work here presented sets ways towards a Multimodal Information Architecture that presents possible strategies for designing models of representation of the necessary aspects for constructing meaning through selection of stimuli, joining the various Modes by means of logical constructions that make it possible to express the form of interaction between a Subject who perceives an Object. In this sense, modal logic contributes to the qualification of truths, and it is no longer imperative that an proposition be qualified as true or false: it may be possible, when one becomes aware that there is a configuration of World that makes it true; or necessary, when all possible Worlds settings make it true. From the union of signification Modes and Logical Modalities and Relations, is set a path to a Multimodal Information Architecture.

      Palavras-Chave:  Information Architecture, Multimodality, Modal Logic